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Horror Komedie

Lej: 19 kr.

Horror comedies or horror comedies combine the more classic elements of the horror movie with humorous and satirical features. The comedic angle on the traditional horror format almost makes the genre grotesque and absurd: But at the same time it also makes the movies' crazy and repulsive horror elements more effortless and accessible. One of the most famous movies in this subgenre is "Ghostbusters" (1984), directed by Ivan Reitman. The movie follows a group of eccentric parapsychologists who fight ghosts and spirits in New York. "Ghostbusters" mixes the slightly creepy with slap stick humor - and both music and movie have gained cult-like status. Another notable movie is "Shaun of the Dead" (2004), directed by Edgar Wright. This movie combines zombies with black British humor and creates an absurd contrast between the looming apocalypse and the small, ridiculous concerns of everyday life. Horror comedy is an easy-to-eat genre that appeals widely and has its iconic milestones, such as Scream (1996) and Beatlejuice from 1988 directed by Tim Burton and starring Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis.

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